Game design
In the VERY likely event that your here vetting Will McNeese for a job (and in the less likely event that you can spare two minutes) he humbly requests that you play this short text adventure.
The Woodpecker
If you have 10 minutes, why not play
The Woodpecker
a silly little narrative game Will made:

Grossly Unqualified Art Repair

The only entry I've seen from the jam where jam is a usable item - Mathew Olson, USGamer


Top 8
"Winner of "Best Use of Theme" at NYU's Jam Site in Brooklyn, NY! You are a world-renowned repairer of artwork, at least that what’s on your resume. Did you actually go to art school? Who cares? Do you possess any of the necessary equipment? Fat chance! Are you even remotely qualified for this job? Shut up and get fixing!"

Grossly Unqualified Art Repair was made for the 2020 Global Game Jam under the theme of "repair". The game was made in under 48 hours and NYU jam site in Brooklyn, NY by a team of five very talented people (none of whom Will knew beforehand). It won "Best Use of Theme" and was named a favorite by USGamer for that year (
You can download the game from the official GGJ website:

Will is currently a volunteer game designer with Humaginarium, a company aiming to use games to educate people on health and wellness.
You can visit their website HERE.
Fun Fact: Will wrote and ran a successful D&D campaign at age 15 after playing the game only ONCE!